Family Photos by Sheree Kershaw
Hey! I'm Charlotte.
I despise writing my about me page!
So I am going to attempt to just list out the main facts about me and hope they make sense.
I'm married to Lucien and together we have three boys, Levi, Heath and Axel.
We also have 4 cats, a dog, 4 chickens and a houseful of plants.
I love tea, chocolate and binge reading romance novels.
My love affair with photography.
Camera's that took film and disposable cameras you had to drop at the chemist and wait at least a week for the photo's to be ready, that was where my journey with photography started.
My first film camera was a Christmas present when I was about 9, that year my Papa's film stash took a serious hit but man did my love for taking photographs grow.
Over the years the camera's I've used have evolved as did what I photographed, from garden ornaments to candid's of my friends. Then once I started at high school I could take photography as a subject. it was here that I was shown a new way of looking at it through a fantastic teacher with passion for photography and art.
Now when I was at high school we didn't learn digital photography, sure there were digital cameras but we used film cameras where we developed the film and images ourselves, that dark room smell will always have a soft spot in my heart. I think learning film first helped me when I went digital, I had a good idea of how the settings of the camera related back to film and photo development.
After leaving school I actually pursued becoming an early childhood teacher, during my studies I had my first son which also lead to me giving up studying nearly 2/3rds of the way through. Becoming a Mum changed my whole life view, I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that and I spent the time behind my camera just trying to capture all of him to keep forever (never worked out how to preserve their smell though).
Photography remained a hobby until my second son was nearly a year old in 2013 and then I started looking into photographing others, capturing their little ones and their memories (shout out to some of my first subjects!).
Since then my love for photography hasn't stopped, though it has ebbed and flowed through the different seasons, I have always enjoyed being able to photograph others and help them preserve their own memories and I hope I get a chance to photograph you and your little ones too.